Corporate website of the Profstroy construction company with a catalog of completed objects

Release date: 23.10.2019
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Corporate website of the Profstroy construction company with a catalog of completed objects
Corporate website of the Profstroy construction company with a catalog of completed objects

About project

It is especially important for construction companies to show their completed objects in the best way. Profstroy company is a partner of PIK group, they have what to show for their potential customers.

Our studio has a working mode that allows you to completely make a website in a few days. This speed mode has its limitations, for example, the high cost of an hour of work, a reduced amount of approvals during development, as well as the degree of preparation of materials for the site before the start of work.

All these conditions were perfect for this website. From the signing of the contract to the launch of the site, only 8 days have passed, this period was directly spelled out in the contract. Such haste was necessary in order for Profstroy to look cool at an important event.

Everything was done on time. All tasks were 100% solved.


What was done?


  • Design layout of the homepage
  • Design layout of the category page in the catalog
  • Design layout of the product page in the catalog


  •  Developing responsive HTML5/CSS3 website templates
  •  c³ CMS Integration


  • Creating text materials for a website
  • Adding pages with responsive layout
  • Selection of illustrations
  • Writing articles


  • Technical supervision of the website services
  • Developing responsive HTML5/CSS3 website templates
  • Design layouts for the website pages
  • Adding pages with responsive layout