Website of the IT-company Integrated Software Solutions

Release date: 03.08.2020
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Website of the IT-company Integrated Software Solutions
Website of the IT-company Integrated Software Solutions
Website of the IT-company Integrated Software Solutions
Website of the IT-company Integrated Software Solutions

About project

It's amazing how often we develop websites for colleagues in the field of information technology. It would seem that programmers can make a website for themselves. And they really can, but experts from the website development can deliver the best solution.

Today, the website successfully talks about services, support, products. The site also attracts new employees. The site is growing and developing. We are certainly proud that our clients trust us in this important area of work.


What was done?


  • Design layout of the homepage


  •  Developing responsive HTML5/CSS3 website templates
  •  c³ CMS Integration


  • Creating text materials for a website
  • Adding pages with responsive layout
  • Selection of illustrations


  • Technical supervision of the website services
  • Developing responsive HTML5/CSS3 website templates
  • Design layouts for the website pages
  • Adding pages with responsive layout
  • Creating text materials for a website
  • Organization of an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct and performance monitoring